Rainy Monday Confessions

Yet another foggy rainy day here, which leaves me to want to stay in yoga pants and snuggle on the couch! Thankfully though I had plans to meet up with a friend I haven't seen in a while so that was the motivator to leave the house and head to the mall....yes, the mall in December. Luckily at 10 am though you can still get a decent parking spot and it's not too crowded. Time to confess... 


1. I left the triple stroller at home, in delirious hopes that my 3 year olds would obey and walk closely with the single stroller. I honestly didn't want to wrestle with the triple in the rain or push around 100 lbs of kids, alright?! Well, big mistake. Lets just say our mall trip included two kids lost at different times in the Disney store, one trip to the Talbots restroom, playtime at the play place, kids begging for popcorn and not getting it, me asking mercy from a friend from church to help watch Dean while I was in the food line...and the fun continues :) It was a wacky morning but we survived!

2. Yes, we at Chick Fila for the 2 time in 4 days. 

3. Speaking of Chick Fila, have you tried the peppermint milkshake?! I haven't looked up the calories but it's to die for. It's like the pepermint bark version of ice cream. Delish!

4. Speaking of all that eating...the work outs are not back in full force like they should be! I need more energy and motivation! I know the exercise helps the energy but it seems like a twisted cycle for a tired mom.

5. I have only 2 classes left in the semester, today and Wednesday! Yes college students, teachers get just as excited for winter break as students do! I am teaching Monday nights in the spring if any of you out there are interested :)

6. Came to the realization we are exactly two weeks from Christmas Eve....most things are bought but absolutely NOTHING is wrapped! Yikes! Moms, how do you get wrapping done with kiddos not knowing?! I am thinking this might have to become an evening activity. 

7. I had a photoshoot over the weekend for boy/girl twins that were just a few weeks old. I had been waiting for their newborn session and was excited when it came! I was very nostalgic holding those two sweet babies. My twins first days/weeks/months are a blur of a memory now. I barely remember them ever being that small and delicate. It's amazing how quickly life passes us when we aren't watching!

These particular twins also were the ones who got my twins nursery bedding, which added to extra nostalgia. I rememeber sitting in my twins nursery heavily pregnant with them, just arranging things and putting little clothes away...wondering what type of kids they would be. Now I know their personalities, sassy, fun, full of life, energy and spunk!

8. My kids are still young enough to love riding around looking at Christmas lights! I confess that I love it too, especially if it includes hot chocolate for me and popcorn for the kids :) We will continue to make this an evening activity on the weeks to come leading up to Christmas. They (& I) love taking it all in and talking about all the different decorations. A lot of conversations lead to the meaning of Christmas, which can be hard for their little hearts to understand. We have certainly had our fill of Santa lately but we are trying to also teach them about the birth of Christ. Any of you seasoned parents out there have great ideas for that?!

9. I am elbow deep in laundry again today. I did lots of laundry last week with all our illnesses so I let it slide over the weekend. Well with a house of 5 people, that has left me with a mountain to deal with today! 

Ok friends...I have blabbed a lot today. Don't forget your last free Dunkin Iced Coffee today!

 Hoping you are enjoying and not just enduring!