Monday Confessions, Current Favorites

Today I thought I would share a few current favorite things I am loving!

1. Zac Brown Band, My Old Man song caught me off guard the other day and I got choked up. The whole song is touching but towards the end these lyrics get me,

"My old man
I hope he's proud of who I am
I'm trying to fill the boot of my old man" 

2. Cold Brew Tea: It brews in cold water in 5 minutes and helps give some flavor if you are just "over" drinking so much water. I basically drink my cup or two of coffee in the morning and then drink water the rest of the day, so sometimes I need other options with a little flavor. 

3. Bringing up Bebe because I need a breath of fresh air from crazy American parenting and pressure. I could actually probably write and entire post on what I've been experiencing with the expectations of modern American parenting. I am sort of convinced that it will send both the parents and the kids to the crazy house.


4. HIIT Class at my local Y: It literally kills me but it's a "hurt so good" kind of pain. I know it's getting the job done and it's making me do things that I might not choose to do myself. It's 45 minutes of different moves and circuits, usually 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off. You never thought 45 seconds was so long in your life until you take a HIIT class! 

5. Overnight Oats: I love this simple recipe for overnight oats and you can get creative with toppings like toasted coconut or sliced banana (I don't usually put the banana in over night personally). Really easy and healthy if you need some options for crazy mornings. I do sometimes warm mine up if it's chilly out and I want warm food in my belly!