Monday Confessions, Recent Favorites

 We are here in the freezing tundra that is currently the East Coast and waiting for more freezing rain later today. I have to confess that I sometimes succumb to the winter blues, especially after Christmas and with this really cold weather. The Christmas is put away and I'm printing off the memories (print those photos friends!), so I need some other things to perk up my attitude! I thought I might share some of my recent favorites for today's installment of Monday Confessions.

1. The Greatest Showman & soundtrack: I saw this with my two older kids over the weekend and loved it.  I didn't want it to be over! It was just a fast moving, fun movie with lots of dancing and singing, as well as creative license with history. I know it's probably not super accurate but I adored both Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron in this musical. I actually was glad to see Michelle Williams again too (all you Dawson's Creek girls know what I mean!). My twins really enjoyed the music and dancing as well, but I am glad I left the 6 year old at home because I don't think it would've been his favorite. It's pretty much impossible not to come home from the movie and turn the soundtrack right on! 


2. My Rae Dunn Mug: These simple but cute reminders are fun additions to any kitchen. I have the "blessed" one but have seen so many other fun ones out there! 


3. Gel Manicures: I know a gel manicure is a little more pricey but I got one before Christmas that is still going strong. My hands are taking such a beating in this dry, cold winter air so it's nice to still have paint that stays in tact. Anyone have a favorite recent polish color you're loving?

4. Hot Cinnamon Sunset Tea; I love this tea because it's so full of flavor you absolutely don't need to add anything to it to make it drinkable. It's perfect for me as my afternoon snack because I am on a quest to eat less sugar. I'm trying to learn to embrace flavors of real food not enhanced with sweeteners. 


5. AE High Rise Jeggings: My college years were full of a fondness for American Eagle denim. Unfortunately now after having 4 kids, those low rise situations are not what they used to be. I am so thankful I stumbled across the AE Hi Rise jegging that comes in all shapes, sizes and stretch available. God bless the stretch and higher rise! It holds everything in nicely and still allows for style and movement, as well as being available in all types of washes. You might have to stop in to try them on in store or size up (I had to go up one size from my higher end jeans size). 


I hope this week you find some small joys within the mundane and stay warm!!!