Happy 1st Birthday Cody!

So sometimes the most impromptu, unplanned photo shoots turn in the best results. My little friend Cody is turning one this week & his mom (my friend Hilary) had a great idea for a photo shoot with him and a birthday cake. While I was there to do the birthday cake photo shoot, I took the 1st birthday hat I had made Cody & decided to throw up a black background just to get some shots of him in it. This is just a set up in their kitchen with natural light & some fill flash. I am IN LOOOVVEE with these shots!

We proceeded to do the cake shoot after these shots & I am still working on those. Lets just say Cody was a little less excited about the cake (not sure why - it looked delicious!) So here are a few of my favs from the impromptu session & I will keep the cake shoot to myself for now :)