Monday Confessions

Hey friends, sorry I missed last week with the holiday and kids home! We were busy running to dentist appointments and going to the orchard in the rain :) Here are the things on my mind today….

1.  I love that working from home allows me to wear yoga pants while cranking out work. I don't think however that it's professional attire outside of the house (unless I started instructing yoga!) I got into a discussion yesterday with other photographers about what is appropriate to wear to a shoot. I was a little taken aback when I saw a photographer out working while wearing a hoodie, yoga pants, top knot and rolled down Uggs. I felt like that is my Sunday afternoon at home wear, not out to work a session. What are your thoughts as clients? 

2. Speaking of yoga pants, I thank my lucky stars that I don't have to get out of the car in the car drop off line at the kids school. Sometimes I pray before I leave the house not to have an accident because the outfit I am wearing is too hideous for public viewing (think workout capris with my slippers this morning) :) 

3. If you don't already know, my husband is a very talented graphic designer. He just recently launched his new website. Hop on over and check it out! If you need a business card, t-shirt or website, please contact him! He would love to work with you. 

4. So I made some brownies last night that got a thumbs down from my family. In my constant attempts to "health-i-fy" everything, it's not always a winner. I saw a post that said you can use a box of brownie mix  and a can of pumpkin to make a batch of brownies (no eggs or oils needed). Well I would like to argue that eggs and oils are needed for a brownie mix! It was right consistency but just not the same flavor. Sorry family, I am trying!!

5. Can we talk about what a shock to the system  it was this morning when it was 40 degrees when I took kids to school?! I feel like even after a workout and a shower I am still trying to get warm! Thank goodness for heat! 

6. I confess that we watch Walking Dead on AMC. Are you in on the zombie craze?! I just have to say though that the show is so increasingly brutal and disturbing that I might have to go back to Sunday night hiding in my room watching Downton re-runs while the hubby watches zombies! 

7. I confess that I love Motown. I have a total place in my heart for the oldies and I will definitely do an occasional sing along while I am editing videos to my motown station! You should totally try it! 

8. Eagles didn't play so no free coffee today :( Next Sunday though, I will be rooting for them!

9. I am reading "The Best Yes" by Lysa TerKeurst and it's so rich in content that I have to digest it in bits. I am totally guilty of saying yes to things even when I don't consider the cost. Just yesterday at church I said yes to something because no one else would, and it bothered me the rest of the evening because I know the cost it will have. It's honestly not even a huge thing, but just another commitment on an already full plate. I picked up this book last night and read, " Every yes answer comes with a list of expectations. If I don't know what those expectations are, I can't possibly meet them" (page 116). Lysa goes on to write about questions to ask yourself to determine if you can truly commit to this particular thing at this time. It's so, so helpful if you are trying to learn to work through priorities when committing to things! It's easy to just say "yes" and live a crazy life with a full schedule but no idea what you're doing or who you're impacting! 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Until next Monday…