Monday Confessions, Blue Monday

It’s Blue Monday, have you ever heard the term? Usually the third Monday of January, Blue Monday tends to me the most depressing Monday of the year. The science behind it is a little weak but it’s there, none the less, because the holidays are over, the winter is bleak, resolutions might be fading and a lot of us are facing holiday related debts. So what are we to do with all this? I’m not exactly sure?! 

I know that I’m trying to be in healthy rhythms to fight those winter blues. Things like exercise and connecting with others help to fight those winter blues. If you couldn’t tell by my end of the year post, I needed a change in pace. The pace I had through the fall and holiday season was really hard to keep up. I’m trying to look at January as a natural slowing of things. Did you know that our bodies naturally do need more sleep in winter and are affected by the shorter hours of daylight?! I often feel like I want to go to bed at 7pm. Ha. But seriously, it’s ok if you are feeling a bit like hibernating. Our world goes through seasons on purpose and it’s natural that our bodies will too!

Part of my pace change was taking Instagram off my phone at the new year. I have been a few weeks without it and it’s certainly helping to clear some head space. Now, I confess, I still have spent some time on facebook due to business and other groups I run, but the overall way less time on social media has helped me the last few weeks. I have read more books and also learned that the input I allow into my mind and heart, certainly have an overall effect on the output of my brain and heart. I will be coming back on Instagram in the weeks to come with some fresh book reviews and ideas, but I’m currently still enjoying the break.

So here’s to more time outside in fresh air and sunshine this week! Here’s to more time reading books instead of scrolling Instagram feeds! Here’s to more time being kind to our bodies than punishing them! Have a beautiful week my friends!

A family hike through our state forest a couple weekends ago was the perfect soul pick-me-up!

A family hike through our state forest a couple weekends ago was the perfect soul pick-me-up!