Monday Confessions, How to make time for reading

Good Monday morning internet friends! Monday after spring daylight saving is not my favorite Monday for sure. I am usually dragging! Are you already on your second cup of coffee too?

So there’s a question that I get quite often which is, “how do you have time to read?” Arguably, we have time for everything we want to do or have to make time for, if it’s a priority. I know a lot of people just feel like they can’t get in reading books with everything else they have going on in a day. Trust me, I get it!

I can’t remember exactly what year it was but it was when the twins were still very young and definitely one of the most physically exhausting seasons of my life, but I realized that I wanted something to change. I had gone from a very social, connected, and thinking person working in ministry with college students, to being at home with two infants. I had read a ton during my years in the ministry but it was often books or articles related to the work I was doing or personal growth areas. I found myself in a new season of life without the required reading and yet I was feeling a void in my mental stimulation. I was truly exhausted caring for infant twins while my husband worked two jobs, but I knew I needed something, so I started reading again. I would just get a book on my night stand and slowly work my way through it, which is how reading for pleasure worked it’s way back into my life, heart and routine! This season of life also renewed my love of the library! Reading does not have to cost you a thing!


I have pondered what are some tips to build reading into your life and here’s what I have come up with:

  1. Choose something you want to learn about. Reading is one of the best ways we can learn about new subjects, places, or people. It can be anything from parenting to nutrition, but find something you want to learn about and it will keep you motivated to read! I do admit that I tend to read through non-fiction slower, but it’s a valuable effort even when it’s slow. Reading non-fiction has given me fresh ideas and things to ponder with everything from personality types like the enneagram, to parenting strategies on how to love on our kids. I am currently reading a non-fiction on spiritual disciplines that I am finding a really challenging and encouraging read.

  2. Join a book club in person or follow an online book club like Reese Witherspoon’s, Hello Sunshine. Reading can be so much more fun in community. If there’s a local book club that you can join in person, it’s the best. It challenges you to read things you might not usually pick and also gives you the added relationships with new friends. If that’s not an option for you right now, definitely follow an online club where you can read along and jump in conversation at your convenience. It will still connect and inspire you along with other readers!

  3. Put down your phone and pick up a book. In the era of the smart phone, this is essential. There’s a constant stream of studies coming out about the effects of our constant attachments to our devices, with everything from how it keeps us distracted, to how it affects our sleep. This is especially a good idea at bedtime, when your body needs to be away from the blue light of the screen and wind down. Dock your phone in your kitchen so that once you’re in your room for the night, the book on the nightstand is your only option. I promise, this will help you slow down and appreciate the day, while preparing for sleep.

    I also keep a my current book with me when I go out, in case I have down time like sitting in the kids car line or waiting for an appointment. It’s honestly so much more refreshing to read a chapter than the constant internet scroll.

  4. Set a specific time & Get rid of distractions. If you don’t trust yourself to just “read when you can,” then set a specific time or amount of time during the day that will just become your reading time. Like I suggested earlier, the end of the day is great or first thing in the morning. I tend to read the bible for a bit the first thing in the morning and then read other things later in the day. If you have a time that you would really rather be reading than watching another episode of Love is Blind, then set that reminder in your phone and go for it. When you get into a new rhythm of when it’s just the time of day you read, you’ll really begin to look forward to it! ( And I am not knocking Love is Blind, I have seen all of Season 1 :)

    Turn everything off and put your phone across the room. I promise, your mind and soul will feel good to sit in a comfy spot reading at least one chapter of something with nothing else competing for your attention. Obviously, with small kids in the house this can feel nearly impossible but that’s when nap time can be a good time!

  5. Choose an audio book, because it’s still reading! Audio books are so great because you can listen and still be on the move. You can do an audio book while driving or exercising or even if you just want to sit and listen. I know some people are sticklers about this but I have learned from my husband, he actually gets MORE out of listening to a book then reading it with his eyes. If you are an auditory learner, this is an awesome option for you. It’s also super convenient to get the latest audio books because it’s an immediate download. If you travel or struggle with library due dates, this is a great option for you to always have the book with you and no need to physically keep track of it!