Monday Confessions, Reading in 2021

We have officially made it to 2021! Happy New Year! I had a few minutes last week to reflect on what I read in 2020. I confess there was a time when the pandemic first hit that I found it very hard to focus and to read. I know many experienced this struggle as well. When I looked over what I read in 2020, I made it through the entire Bible cover to cover and I was surprised to find that I actually read 33 entire books in 2020 (a few others I started but didn’t finish.) It’s funny though because I had forgotten about a couple that I read in early 2020 before coronavirus. It feels like everything in my memory right now is split between pre-pandemic living and pandemic living! I am sure many of you feel the same way.

I get asked all the time how do I “find time” to read and I really just tell people that it’s like anything else, we have to make time. I think the best way to get back into the habit of reading is in the evening before bed, instead of scrolling on your phone, put a book or two on your nightstand! I promise even 10-15 minutes of reading each night will get you through a book.

So what are my favorites of my 2020 reads?

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In fiction reading, I really liked the Dutch House by Ann Patchett and American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins. They were really different stories but both excellent characters and writing. The Dutch House was a classic style novel based through decades of a family’s story but set all around a specific house. American Dirt was a very timely novel about what forces a family to attempt to immigrate to the United States. It’s an unsuspectingly powerful read, written with so many details that bring you right into the story. The characters and narrative in this one will stay with you, but I definitely had trouble reading this one at night (I had bad dreams about Mexican cartels!). It’s not a light read in any way and in fact, highlights many of the plights and dangers for those trying to flee their homeland. I definitely recommend it though!

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Two other novels I really liked in 2020 were The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes and Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid. The Giver of Stars is historical fiction set in the Appalachian mountains with the pack horse librarians. Daisy Jones and the six is the tale of a 70s rock band in California, which is literally about “sex, drugs and rock n roll” in no certain order.


As for non fiction, of course reading through the entire bible was a major challenge but I would say also a highlight. This is something that I have attempted before but not made it all the way through in chronological order. This type of reading plan does take significant commitment but it really was worth it, especially in the year of 2020. I have been asked quite a few times about this plan and go here to find out how to start! There’s an app for the plan and then the related podcasts in your podcast app. I also really found encouragement in Gentle and Lowly, by Dane Ortlund, talking about the heart of Christ. It’s honestly one of those books I could probably read yearly because I need the reminders so much of Christ’s love and character.


SO here’s to a fresh start in 2021 for so many things! I got on the scale this morning and the verdict is way worse than I thought! Today is a good day to start fresh, get moving and plan out some reading for 2021. Have a great week my friends!