Autumn Family Session, Middletown, Delaware

  "I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves of gold there grew:

Of wind I sang, a wind there came and in the branches blew." 

― J.R.R. Tolkien 

    I met this adorable family through my husband and was excited when they contacted me about family portraits. We caught the very end of the autumn golden leaves over Thanksgiving break! The sweet boys were such troopers even with the chilly November breeze. I never take for granted the opportunity to capture a family together and there's nothing quite like the warm afternoon glow in the fall to make it the best! 


Project Ten, December

   Well my friends, it has been a full year of my Project Ten experiment. Looking back, I think it helped me to push to shoot more personal things, although sometimes it felt daunting too. I have had a few late months (like this one), but overall I think it caused me to look for the beautiful in the everyday. It pushed me a bit to do some story telling of my own life, instead of just the lives of others. I was also challenged not to show only the beautiful things, but also the reality (see Benjamin below in a few shots :) 

   We had a jam packed weekend full of fun things our kids were a part of, as well as a visit to Santa. I thought I would just share all of these family things I was capturing over the weekend for your enjoyment!

Walking up to meet the big man...

Walking up to meet the big man...

Ben was not a fan and apparently the poor soul had his socks showing!

Ben was not a fan and apparently the poor soul had his socks showing!

This was right after Macy let Santa know she would really like a horse for Christmas!

This was right after Macy let Santa know she would really like a horse for Christmas!

"Stand there and smile" is not what Benjamin had in mind! 

"Stand there and smile" is not what Benjamin had in mind! 

This was maybe the best we got during that visit! Four kids is tough in many ways...

This was maybe the best we got during that visit! Four kids is tough in many ways...

Dean singing part of a duet in church during the service. 

Dean singing part of a duet in church during the service. 

Macy singing in the kids choir for the service.

Macy singing in the kids choir for the service.

Maxwell was a wise king carrying gold at his school concert.

Maxwell was a wise king carrying gold at his school concert.

He took his duties very seriously! 

He took his duties very seriously! 

Make sure to check out these other ladies participating in Project TEN to see what they're up to in life and photography! The list might change a little for 2017, keep you posted!  Katie HallPaula RichwineCait JensenLisa O’Brien, Parker SlatonRae BarnesErin GregersonKelly LappKate Neal, Heather Butler

Monday Confessions, it's December

    I confess that it's still pretty early here and we had a rough night with a sick kiddo. It's funny how at times a mama's intuition kicks in because just earlier in the day I thought to myself, "I think he's going to need to see the doctor tomorrow for this cold." Sure enough, he was in our room crying about his poor ear and throat hurting by 10pm last night. This brings me to the realization that the plans I had for today aren't going to happen! I am going to adjust everything to take care of my boy. In all honesty though, that can sometimes be hard for us can't it?

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

   So in this quiet stillness before my house is bustling, I am reminding myself that even though I feel the pressure of the December to-do list and calendar, it's more important to just take care of him. The rest of it will find a way of getting done! This verse from Psalm 61 is especially helpful to me, "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." 

Life rarely goes according to plan does it? Sometimes these deviations are invitations to just slow down. In the wise words of Ann Voskamp in One Thousand Gifts, "Being in a hurry. Getting to the next thing without fully entering the thing in front of me. I cannot think of a single advantage I've ever gained from being in a hurry. But a thousand broken and missed things, tens of thousands, lie in the wake of all the rushing.... Through all that haste I thought I was making up time. It turns out I was throwing it away." So here's to slowing down today and just doing the things in front of me. Have a great Monday friends! 

Autumn Wedding, Milton, Delaware

   I know Monday's are usually for my confessions, but remember last week how I confessed I was a bit stuck in the comparison trap? Well today I am totally stuck in the overwhelmed trap! Every year around this time I swear to myself that I am going to keep my cool, but for a lot of photographers we are heading into the holiday season pretty spent from a busy autumn.

Fall weddings have been on the rise for years now and it's honestly a great thing! I have been wanting to share this beautiful outdoor wedding with you for a bit now! Here's to the other Matt & Emily Troutman (yes there are now two of us :). Although the rain came down a bit over their ceremony, it let up for later and the sun even tried to peak out! The Lavender Fields made the perfect back drop for this wedding!


Monday Confessions: Comparison Trap

      This is the season where we are supposed to be full of joy, contentment and gratitude for all that we are and have. If I am honest though, I keep finding myself comparing to what others are or have. I know books have been written on this very subject but as today's confessions I am just going to share my heart on this...Being caught in comparison trap is the total opposite of cultivating joy in myself and cheerleading for others (which is what I want to do!). Why is it so EASY to get discouraged when we see others succeeding? Someone else’s successes are not meant to make us feel lesser, but most of the time they do. 

My inner dialogue has lots of things on repeat like “yeah but she still gets to be skinny” or “why can’t I be acknowledged” or a myriad of other comparisons that are meant for me to make myself feel better.  I really don’t feel better though when it’s at someone else’s expense. A lot of us are familiar with the saying, “comparison is the thief of joy.” It sure is! When you start to compare, you easily let your own value and the value of others dwindle. Even today I saw someone get photos published that I was like "why aren't I getting published?" I mean you kind of have to be submitting to get published but these are just minor details right when you're talking to yourself?!  (sarcasm totally intended).

I stumbled across an article that is really worth the full read, but something she wrote really struck me hard. Comparison is a quiet vulture, swooping in to peck its sharp beak at our joy, our camaraderie, and our witness to the world.” Wow, allowing ourselves to compare not only pecks away at our joy, it puts divides between us that were never meant to be there. We can envy people or things from the school car line to the facebook feed. We are only seeing things from our perspective, mind you, and may not even have the full story.

This envy is opposite of what I read this morning, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7  There’s so much here we can pull apart from the truth of God’s word. We aren’t supposed to be walking around comparing ourselves to others, but we are supposed to be rooted and built up in our identity in Christ. God giving another person a gift, is not an affront to ourselves. We must also learn that having a heart of gratitude can quickly stomp out the sparks of envy that start to fly. When we are truly thankful for our own gifts and lives, it helps us to see others in the right perspective. We can even move from jealousy to joy! We can move from comparing to celebrating others! 

“Comparison is folly, and no one wins—or ever has.” We really cannot win at the comparison game,  so we must stop subjecting ourselves to it. When I find envy in my heart or that inner dialogue starts taunting me, I am going to speak truth to myself in this season. I want to fight for my joy and contentment in this time of celebration. What are you doing to cultivate joy this season?

I hope your Thanksgiving week is off to a beautiful start!

(source unknown, not my design, God's words)

(source unknown, not my design, God's words)

Summer Session, North Carolina

    If you have followed me or my life for any amount of time, you know that I love to blog but also it's the first thing to drop when priorities shift. I know there's a million reasons that this isn't smart for business but I also know I am one mom, and a very human one at that. Every day I am sifting through priorities to tackle what has to be done, what should be done and what can potentially wait for another day. Today I am again home with a toddler and a sick coughing kindergartener. This is not exactly a great combination for productivity but at the same time I know that some things must get accomplished if I am going to strive to have a great client experience. I am in the midst of editing, ordering and you guessed it....prepping over due blog posts!

Hopefully this sweet summer session will have you feeling the warmth on this chilly morning! Better late than never right? I can't say enough how much I have LOVED the multi-generational photo sessions I have been a part of this year. For some reason this year, I have had a much bigger group of large family sessions. I adore them because they are an absolute treasure for a family to have!

Here's to Emerald Isle, North Carolina...I miss your warmth, your sun, your ocean and palm trees...can't wait to see you again next year! These are just a FEW favorites from this fun session...

Can you even handle this cuteness?!!

Can you even handle this cuteness?!!

Cousins and friends!

Cousins and friends!

A sibling favorite for sure!

A sibling favorite for sure!

Nana and Pop with all their grands!

Nana and Pop with all their grands!

Hope this Wednesday has your spirits bright!

Project Ten November

    As a mom of four children, all who are still fairly young, it makes it difficult for me to get one on one time with my kids. This fall I have been thankful for some quality time with my one year old, or as much as you can have quality time with your one year old. One beautiful fall afternoon we went for pumpkins and gourds so I took my camera along! Time flies so fast I am grateful to take a few moments to capture his curiosity, chubby hands, facial expressions and toothy grin. Hope your November is treating you well so far!

Make sure to check out these other ladies participating in Project TEN to see what they're up to in life and photography! Katie HallPaula RichwineCait JensenLisa O’Brien, Parker SlatonRae BarnesErin GregersonKelly LappKate Neal, Heather Butler

Happy Halloween!

‘Tis now the very witching time of night,
When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
Contagion to this world.

– William Shakespeare

Happy Halloween to my Monday Confessions followers! Here is my little Star Wars gang ready to celebrate.... Can't you just hear the theme music?! 

       If I am utterly honest though, we are all weary. We got up this morning with tired eyes and quick tempers just from the pace of life we have been trying to keep. I am so far from my idealism earlier this fall that I would keep our schedule with plenty of margin for just living life. Yesterday instead of hanging out, enjoying the weather and each other, we basically rushed from one thing to the next. Some events were planned, some were necessities like work and groceries, and yet others we just wanted to try to fit in. How do we always get like this I am not sure?! I have been reminded though that we are in an intense phase of life. It's joyous, yet exhausting and trying all at once sometimes. We have only had time to carve one pumpkin and only yesterday did I finally get some Halloween candy to give out. Sometimes I've learned to just lower my expectations.

   Even in my tired Monday grumpiness this morning, I was reminded in the bible of who we can lean on. Isaiah 53 says, "Yet it was our weakness he carried" and another version states, "surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows." Although I am mostly just dealing with regular daily stresses, I find comfort in knowing I am not alone in these struggles. 

May you enjoy this Monday full of excitement and not too much candy :)

Wilmington, Delaware Autumn Family Portraits

      There's truly nothing like a beautiful October afternoon on the East coast is there?! Throw in a new puppy and I am just smitten. These kiddos were thankfully game for throwing leaves and being silly. The internet is this funny place that can either bring people together or push people apart. Thankfully this is an instance of where the internet had a hand in brining this adorable family to me for a photo session! (Thank you local Facebook page where friends recommended me!) 

Do you not love her laugh and first grade teeth?! I ADORE it!

Do you not love her laugh and first grade teeth?! I ADORE it!

This is where it all begins, love snagging a few portraits of just mom and dad!

This is where it all begins, love snagging a few portraits of just mom and dad!


Wilmington Delaware, Autumn Family Portraits

 We met early in the morning, praying for the rain to hold off! Thankfully our hopes were fulfilled and the rain didn't come until we were pulling out of the parking lot! I have had the privilege of photographing these kiddos every fall since they were 3 and 1. It's been fun to watch them grow each year and hear what they are into. I am thankful for clients who trust me continually to capture their memories!


Monday Confessions, A glimpse into our weekend

    Here's a little glimpse into our weekend with Macy's first horse show Saturday and some cookie baking on Sunday! 

I confess that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. I tend to feel this way during a busy family and photography season. It's all good things, don't get me wrong, but it's still a mountain of things I feel responsible for. It's the life of all mothers right?! I am trying to do it all with a toddler who is sort of walking and into everything! His latest achievement is being able to open all the doors in our house, heaven help me! 

I just finished reading, Rare Bird, and it literally made my heart hurt reading it. I was full on ugly crying at 6:30 in the morning Saturday while reading. Ben was up early and although I love Elmo as much as the next girl, I preferred picking up a book. I do whole heartedly recommend this book but at the same time, read with caution. If you have recently lost a dearly loved one, it might be balm to your soul. It also could crack your heart open into a million pieces if your a mother. It reaches right into all of our deepest fears, yet at the same time promises us God will still be there. It's a small but mighty book. I will not soon forget it or the story of Jack, a brown-eyed boy who loved his legos and God. Read with tissues!!!

So although I feel far less than capable of all the needs and to-do's in my life today, I am going to repeat this truth from Psalm 62 (& go get my free coffee, Go Eagles!),

"I wait quietly before God,
    for my victory comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress where I will never be shaken."

Finding Inspiration in Still Life

   If you asked someone who knows me well or knows my work, they would tell you I am a portrait photographer. I am rarely found without people in front of my camera. I also tend to shoot primarily in natural light on specific locations. Just because something is what I "tend" to shoot, does not mean it is the only place I find inspiration. Actually, recently it has been quite the opposite. I have found some inspiration in more unlikely places, like creating and shooting still life images with my students. On occasion, I bring my own camera to class. I need to push myself to shoot for the sake of creating and not just as a camera for hire. This tends to be the struggle of the creative who has found a way to make a living at his or her craft.

  I had forgotten a former love of creating still life images for photography and painting. Using lighting techniques and simple objects, one can create lots of interesting images. I think approaching an entirely different technique in the same medium is a great way to get the creative juices flowing! I just might try it again soon!

Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.” 
― Elizabeth GilbertBig Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Monday Confessions, Recent Reads in Fiction

     Well friends, I promised a recent reads in fiction post after my lengthy post about non-fiction. I have gone through phases in my life of reading a lot and other phases where I hardly read a thing, unless I had to. I recently heard a saying though, "readers are leaders" or maybe it was "leaders are readers," but either way it applies. I find that when I am in a constant reading pattern, even if just for entertainment, it keeps my brain functioning more efficiently. I find that the more I read, the better I express myself in language both in writing and speech. I recently joked on social media if it would be a big nerd move to just ask for books for Christmas?

Here are some thoughts on my recent reads...

What Alice Forgot, By Liane Moriarty - I really enjoyed this read. It was easy to get through but made me think. The premise is that the main character, Alice, wakes up after a bad head bump and doesn't remember the last ten years of her life. It got me to thinking, if I didn't remember the last decade, I wouldn't know my kids or barely know what marriage is all about. It was a charming and thoughtful read, true to Liane Moriarty's style. She has a way of keeping you interested and not doing anything too expected in her tales. (I also liked her book Big Little Lies, which I believe will also be a movie soon). 

Stern Men, By Elizabeth Gilbert - If I am being honest here, I had to make myself finish this one. I find myself really pushing through a book when I don't attach to any characters. If I don't find characters relatable or redeemable, I tend to get disenchanted by the book. I really like Liz Gilbert (of Eat, Pray, Love fame) but this one just wasn't worth it for me. It had bits of dark subject matter and just felt sort of depressing. If you like Liz Gilbert though, check out her recent podcast called Magic Lessons. It's an exploration of creative living, which was the topic of her bestselling book, Big Magic. I've listened to first few episodes and really have enjoyed them. Hint: episode two was Liz interviewing Cheryl Strayed, the writer of Wild (another great memoir). The interview explored creativity and motherhood interestingly enough. (There is occasional foul language in the podcast, giving it the explicit label but I assure you in the few I listened to I did not hear much.)

Keeping Faith, By Jodi Picoult - I have mixed feelings about this one really. I sometimes love Jody Picoult's writing and other times I find myself skimming because I feel like the story drags. The one was gave me those mixed feelings. It was an exploration of ideas of faith, as well as human relationships being tested. The thread woven through was a mother's persistent love, which so many of us can relate to. In the end, I wouldn't necessarily categorize it as "must read" but it was an interesting enough story.

After You, By Jojo Moyes - If you liked Louisa Clark in Me Before You, then you will still love her in this sequel. It is hard to imagine what Louisa face where Me Before You left off (no spoilers here.) I found myself cheering Louisa on as she searched for what was next in her life. It's hard to really say much without spoiling Me Before You, but I liked this sequel. It helps answer a few questions as to what happened with some characters down the road. 


Back in non-fiction land, the Magnolia Story officially comes out Tuesday! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. I read the first chapter over the summer as treat for those that pre-ordered. It was charming as well as hilarious, much like Chip & Joanne themselves.

ProjectTen October

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” 
― L.M. MontgomeryAnne of Green Gables

October has snuck up on me for sure! Isn't it still back to school time? Well I guess the chill in the air and the smell of bonfire suggests otherwise. I am thankful for project ten getting me to shoot more of the every day activities. This is a glimpse into my afternoon time between homework and dinner! Here's just a handful of moments with my four crazy, lovable kiddos in this beautiful fall weather. I basically have to chase the big kids and try to keep the toddler out of harms way. Good times! 

Right before I had to drop the camera to keep the toddler from flipping out of the car!

Right before I had to drop the camera to keep the toddler from flipping out of the car!

Off we go...this girl came home one day a week ago and said, "Mom, take these training wheels off," and she never looked back! 

Off we go...this girl came home one day a week ago and said, "Mom, take these training wheels off," and she never looked back! 

He's giving kindergarten a run for its money!

He's giving kindergarten a run for its money!

Long day...

Long day...

What's for dinner? I am over this!

What's for dinner? I am over this!

Make sure to check out these other ladies participating in Project TEN to see what they're up to in life and photography! Katie HallPaula RichwineCait JensenLisa O’Brien, Parker SlatonRae BarnesErin GregersonKelly LappKate Neal, Heather Butler

Monday Confessions

If I am honest, I really don't know where this post will take me this morning. I am telling myself to "keep it light" and steer away from controversial topics. Don't you feel like everything can quickly turn into a controversial topic these days? Even the fact that it's Columbus Day is apparently being argued against. SO I will attempt to share my heart with what comes to the surface this morning...

On  a high note, Macy had her very first trip to NYC yesterday for a friend's birthday adventure in the American Girl. I missed all of my boys but it was fun to have an adventure with just my girl! We loved the special treat that it was to do lunch in the American Girl Cafe in their Fifth Avenue store! Although it was a very short trip, Macy felt all the New York magic and said, "I love it here Mom! I want to come back and stay!" I figured that wouldn't be the best time to tell her I never got an overnight NYC stay until my 30th birthday but I digress :) The whole experience in the cafe was darling, including the dolls receiving their own chairs, plates and cups! (pardon the iPhone shots, big camera stayed home)

1. I am reading Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton. Let me just say up front that she's a beautiful writer. She is really sharing every detail of her story in a way that takes you there, but if I am honest, some of it is hard to be there with her in. I am not saying that she shouldn't be sharing, bravo for her bravery in truth telling. I am saying though that when she writes about the hard things, I find myself thinking about how they apply to all of us. I am simultaneously reading Brene Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection,  which actually is a good combination of reads. The tag line on her book is "Let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are." Who doesn't want that?! If you don't think you will pick up the book, she shares a lot of the same ideas in this podcast episode.  (It was my first listen to the Deconstructionists Podcast)

2. I've been listening to a variety of podcasts lately. You all know I love Jamie Ivey's Happy Hour, Stuff You Missed in History Class, God Centered Mom and  Focus on the family. I've just found that when I am spending my mom taxi time in the car without any kids, I try to listen to things that I can learn from or be encouraged by. What's one of my favorite episodes I've listened to lately? Glad you asked. I actually was really encouraged by a recent episode of Focus on the Family featuring Dr. Tony Evans. The title of the podcast is Voting as a Kingdom Citizen and it really helped me to see what the  bible has to say about participating in government. I think I actually will listen to it for a second time because I need to hear the truth so badly and not fall prey to all of the hyperbolic voices out there.


3. I confess I did not watch the presidential debate last night, I got home too late from NYC but I recorded it. I can't decide if I actually want to go back and watch it?! Yay or nay friends? 

 4. I got derailed last month from my workout plan with sickness. I hate when that happens so I am working on figure out what is next for my workouts. I wanted to get in some more fall running with this beautiful weather but have found it hard to get out of the house alone! Today kids are all home from school so I am hoping to the the park with them for a walk/bide ride.

5. I may or may not be rematching all the old Gilmore Girls episodes on Netflix in order to prepare for the new release season coming next month! I wasn't a religious watcher because they came out while I was in college and I was otherwise busy. I definitely did watch it from time to time though so it feels a bit nostalgic. (I've already watched all the Fuller House episodes multiple times with my kids :) 

6. My current favorite nail color is OPI, I Sing in Color. It's apparently a part of the Gwen Stefani color collection but it's sort of a dark wine color and I am digging it for fall.

 Well my friends, the Eagles had a tough loss today so we will no be receiving the benefits of free Dunkin' coffee today. I don't know why free coffee makes Monday so much better, but in the words of Lorelai Gilmore, "I can't stop drinking the coffee. I stop drinking the coffee, I stop doing the standing and the walking and the words putting into the sentence doing." Happy Monday friends! 

Abby & Rachel: cousins, seniors and besties!

      I remember back to the autumns of high school and think of chunky sweaters, chilly soccer games and chocolatey hot chocolate! It was such a fun season of life (most of the time ;) and I remember a lot of it fondly. As a senior, I remember that feeling of both being on the front edge of adulthood but also this sense that all of life is still ahead of you. I also remember the stress of school work and wondering where I would end up for college. Do you remember those days? 

    I got two catch up with two sweet senior girls last weekend to capture this time in their lives. Their personalities were just as lovely as their faces! These girls are not just cousins but very dear friends to one another. When I got asked if I would consider shooting a double senior session, I thought, why not?! What I didn't realize is that it would be an absolute great fit both for these girls and a fun experience for me! Each girl helped the other to bring out her own personality during the shoot. I wish them all the best as they plan for the future!

Today is Part 1: Abby

Monday Confessions, it's feeling like fall!

   Monday mornings are usually met with a mixture of exhaustion and hustle. There's the immediate needs like packing lunches and rounding up school papers or like today it was picture day so we needed some fresh hair styles to go along with the day! I often succumb to what they call, "the tyranny of the urgent." It's everything we need to get done in the moment, which sometimes leaves me feeling frazzled. I am trying to do a better job of preparing the night before and taking a lot of deep breaths in the morning routine. Kids will be kids but if I can be more subdued in my own reactions, things will go more smoothly...or so I tell myself! 

That being said, we had a huge weekend in our house. I have an especially tired body and also a very full heart! I had a wedding Saturday that I was photographing and yesterday our "3 bigs" got baptized. It was a beautiful and special day all around. Our 3 big kids all professed faith in Jesus at different times over the summer and followed through yesterday with baptism. We were so blessed to four different generations of our family represented in the audience!

As a parent, we often wonder what effect the day in and day out decisions have on our kids. We all always wonder if we are doing anything right. Yesterday though, surrounded by family and church family celebrating, we felt both joy and pride. We pray that these kids do choose to walk in faith throughout their life. These words were spoken over them, "Based upon your profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, I now baptize you in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Buried with Him in the likeness of His death, raised with Him in the likeness of His ressurrection to walk in the newness of life."

As for my usual Monday confessions, here's a few...

 1. I confess twice last week I had to run out to the curb in my pink fuzzy robe with library books for various children. 

2. I am reading Brene Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection and man it is a good one. It's not dauntingly thick which is honestly helpful when you pick up a book that you know is going to do some work on you. Dr. Brown writes, "Sacrificing who we are for the sake of what other people think just isn't worth it...When I let go of trying to be everything to everyone, I had much for more time, attention, love and connection for the important people in my life." (pp. 53).  This has been a big thread for me lately in my own personal growth. (I borrowed my copy from the library for any interested local friends but then I don't like when I can't write in it :) 

3.. I already took a walk with my cutie Benji to get my free Dunkin coffee for the Eagles win. I am counting it as excretes and fresh air for today! (By the way, I think this is the first season ever that the Eagles came out winning 3 straight! Here's to a good season!)

 I know this post is a bit of a hodge lodge of life but that's what I am feeling today! Walking through both the glorious and the mundane this morning ask I do client work, sip my coffee and move the loads of laundry through. Have a beautiful week friends! 

Anniversary Sessions

    Earlier this summer I was thinking about all my brides and grooms from the decade past. I offered my previous wedding couples to take me up on an anniversary session special. It was really fun for me to get to connect with the few that took me up on it! I love getting to photograph families at all their different stages and to reconnect with couples after their wedding day. One such couple from a few summers ago that I connected with, was Will and Taylor. You might remember their 2014 wedding if you've been following along for some time!

 We met up on a warm, sunny summer evening to capture some new memories as they enter into a new season in life! Will & Taylor will soon be parents! Congrats to them and I love how our session flowed as the sun went down! 

Project TEN - September

     Our summer went out with a great big bang! Matt's parents were able to surprise the kids with a trip to Disney on our last week before school started. I honestly had no idea how I could edit over 1,000 photos down to ten but I just pulled out ten that I thought were sweet moments. This handful of images are ways that I will remember the kids on this trip forever. Max with his Goofy hat will be burned in my brain as how he was on the week he went to kindergarten. Ben with his first set of Mickey ears sitting in front of the castle will be another memory I keep. So everything from watching parades to chatting with Cinderella will be a little time capsule for us of our trip to Disney. I am so thankful for our kids to be able to build all these memories not only with us, but with their grandparents. We've had quite a few reminders lately of how short life is! We've been in a whirlwind since we got home from the trip with starting school and adventures that left one sweet princess with stitches. Hope your summer ended as well as ours did! 

Make sure to check out these other ladies participating in Project TEN to see what they're up to in life and photography! Katie HallPaula RichwineCait JensenLisa O’BrienRebecca BenderParker SlatonRae BarnesErin GregersonKelly LappKate Neal, Heather Butler